Capacity Enhancement for Development and Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies in Türkiye's Regions (CEDIS3)

Contract Number Project Budget Commencement Date Implementation Period Country
TR14C3.2.04-04/001 2.621.020 EUR 3 August 2023 24 Months Türkiye

"Smart Specialisation is now more than ever a tool for international cooperation and complementarity between regions and their activities."

Our Goals

The CEDIS3 project, co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Türkiye and supported under the Competitive Sectors Programme, implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, aims to enhance the capacity of all related stakeholders to design and implement effective Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) in Türkiye, at both national and regional levels. This endeavour encompasses the enhancement of the capacity for developing and implementing smart specialisation strategies. Additionally, it seeks to facilitate the establishment of vital networking and governance mechanisms spanning all levels, with the aim of fostering increased participation of regional actors in international and interregional cooperation. This will be achieved through practical capacity building activities and pilot implementations aimed at cultivating robust networks.

4 Trainings Held

393 Participants

The main beneficiary of the project is the Directorate General for Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Smart specialisation strategies will be collaboratively developed with the relevant development agencies in the three pilot regions indicated below. Subsequently, it will be disseminated to all regions.

Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Van DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Van DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Bitlis DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Bitlis DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Hakkari DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Hakkari DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Muş DAKA Doğu Anadolu Kalkınma Ajansı - TRB2 - Muş AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Aksaray AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Aksaray AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Kırıkkale AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Kırıkkale AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Kırşehir AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Kırşehir AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Nevşehir AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Nevşehir AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Niğde AHİKA Ahiler Kalkınma Ajansı - TR71 - Niğde BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Antalya BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Antalya BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Burdur BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Burdur BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Isparta BAKA Batı Akdeniz Kalkınma Ajansı - TR61 - Isparta

Focus of the Project

The project will specifically focus on building the capacity of Directorate General for Development Agencies of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, development agencies and other relevant stakeholders in the regional innovation ecosystem to develop and implement smart specialisation strategies. With this purpose, activities will be carried out under three main components.

Activity Area 1
Capacity Building Component

  • A.1.1: Elaborating a S3 Development Manual
  • A.1.2: Preparing a National S3 Roadmap
  • A.1.3: Organising Training Programmes on Development and Implementation of S3
  • A.1.4: Organising Study Visits to Obtain Practical Knowledge on Preparation and Implementation of S3
  • A.1.5: Organising Internship Programmes

Activity Area 2
Networking Component

A.2.1: Intra-Regional Partnership
  • A.2.1.1: Organising a Training Programme on Stakeholder Analysis and Governance
  • A.2.1.2: Establishing S3 Regional Platforms
  • A.2.1.3: Assigning Regional Experts to Coordinate Intra-Regional Network in Pilot Regions
A.2.2: Inter-Regional Partnership
  • A.2.2.1: Organising a Training Programme on International Partnerships
  • A.2.2.2: Organising Two Study Visits for Policymakers
  • A.2.2.3: Organising an International S3 Conference
  • A.2.2.4: Initiating the Application Process for the DAs to Become S3 Platform Members
  • A.2.2.5: Organising Three Meetings with JRC and S3 Platform to Acquire Mentorship Support
  • A.2.2.6: Organising Three Meetings with Related International Platforms and Institutions to Commence Data Integration Efforts

Activity Area 3
Pilot S3 Development Component

  • A.3.1: Carrying Out Three Pilot S3 Preparation Studies
  • A.3.2: Creating Project Pipelines for Prioritised Areas in the S3 for Each Pilot Region
  • A.3.3: Proposing New Financial and Technical Support Programmes
  • A.3.4: Supporting the DAs in Preparation of Participation to EU Project Proposals

Horizontal Activities

  • A.4.1: Development of a Communication and Visibility Strategy
  • A.4.2: Organisation of Project’s Opening and Closing Events
  • A.4.3: Design and Production of Promotional Materials
  • A.4.4: Establishment and Management of Project’s Webpage and Social Media Accounts

The project will

Build and improve capacity of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders,

Develop and implement smart specialisation strategies in three pilot regions

Strengthen the interregional cooperation and international partnership of all regions willing to develop S3, with a particular focus on the pilot regions,

And raise awareness of smart specialisation.

The CEDIS3 project will be a new milestone in the innovation-based sustainable growth journey of Türkiye and its regions.

Capacity Enhancement for Development and Implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies in Türkiye's Regions (CEDIS3)

This website has been produced with the financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye. Only the consortium led by DAI Global Belgium SRL is responsible for the content of the publication and in no way can it be interpreted as reflecting the views of the European Union and the Republic of Türkiye.

Address : Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi Dumlupınar Bulvarı (Eskişehir Yolu 2151. Cadde No:154/A 06530 Çankaya / Ankara / Türkiye

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